2 min readMar 22, 2021
Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

ADHD has a tremendous effect on interpersonal relationships.

When you have ADHD, your perspective is magnified, intensified, and amplified. This intensified outlook and behavior can cause problems in relationships at work, with family and friends.

The ADHD brain lacks regulators that help you slow down, think before you speak, and process your thoughts before they fly out of your mouth. Again, another problem when interacting with other humans. (Maybe that’s why ADHDers love our fur babies so much.)

Let’s look at the ADHD traits that make interacting so tricky:

  1. An active mind-
    When your thoughts are flying through your brain at hyperspeed, it’s hard to focus. Emotions, ideas, memories, or your to-do list are constantly recycling in your head. Your busy brain makes it hard to listen, be present, and attentive to others.
  2. Intense emotions-
    With ADHD, your feelings, thoughts, and experiences are intensified. Your emotions are fierce, passionate, and have an urgency behind them.
  3. Regulators-
    Balance doesn’t come easy when you have ADHD. There is no middle. It’s all or nothing. You live in extremes. It’s hard to find another side to the story. All that matters is what you think. There are no borders or boundaries that regulate your thoughts- which flow around freely in her head.
  4. Impulsivity-
    Most ADHDers don’t have a PAUSE button. The busyness in our brains- combined with the intensity of our thoughts- is a powerful force. We act and speak without thinking things through (and often regret it later, which causes shame and self-doubt).

Yes, it’s true ADHD is hard on relationships. Their connection can improve if both partners are willing to become educated and aware of how ADHD effects their relationship.

originally appeared on Quora.com



Written by JuneSilny

Author of viral article, “20 Things to Remember If You Love Someone with ADD.” ADHD Coach, Blogger, Lifehacker, Social Media addict @junesilny.com

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